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www.bobrivers.com/baristas Some radio talk show host in Seattle had a contest to find the best looking barista's in Seattle (and for everyone that doesn't live in Seattle, a barista is someone who serves coffee at a cafe, a coffee jockey), and these are the winners.
www.nosephone.com This guy I know has his own server, and so of course he has his own website as well. This is it, and it is similar to a weblog, except better.
www.neave.com/games Eight very cool and addictive games. Some from your youth, some new, but all fun.
www.funky-stuff.com/ Tribute to James Brown, and a few other very sweet Funk Originals. There are some people that you just have to respect, James Brown is one.
About as much fun as riding bareback on a porcupine
Blueman sez: "Everyone must start with baby steps"